This month as the holidays begin, our schedules tend to get filled with holiday activities and of course the delicious calorie laden food that goes along with it. In fact did you know that according to research from the Calorie Control Council, the average American may consume more than 4,500 calories and a whopping 229 grams of fat from snacking and eating a traditional holiday dinner with turkey and all the trimmings? UGH! As a personal trainer, it makes me cringe to think of all the people who will skip that much needed trip to the gym and then overindulge not just one day – but for several days in a row! So, here are just a few tips to help you survive. 1) Drink plenty of water! Drink it before you eat, and during your meal too. Remember beverages have calories, too – so if you must have one, do so, have just one! 2) Take smaller portions than you normally would. I know this seems silly, but ...
Motivating people to be fit and healthy in order to reach their God given potential.